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my last interviewer and I shared a good laugh at both having seen a recent job posting looking for a backend dev with cold fusion experience here in the 21st century.

Darius Kazemi

@djsundog "What? no this job doesn't involve ColdFusion, we just want you to have experience with it so you know that our system is relatively better"

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@darius I would respect this level of game tbh. besides, I'm always more likely to agree to something after a near-death experience.

tech? no! man, see...

@darius @djsundog I have read about the opposite of this in a book; for a Java job they posted that they wanted Smalltalk experience even tho it was irrelevant. they claimed that resulted in higher quality applicants, but I think it would just select for candidates who would be all the more miserable for being stuck writing Java.

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@thermous I did not look closely enough to identify a location tbh but I would not be surprised, having worked inside the 128 tech corridor for a number of years lol