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oh, my pi pico take is "cool, good to get the pi crowd into MCUs, but probably not my first choice for any projects right now since I have about thirty MCUs lying dormant right now"

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

I'm not always a fan of seeing a large fandom get behind a tech stack that I'm screwing with but this is a case where more eyes and hands contributing to the arduino ecosystem will only result in better libraries becoming available and ported to the rest of the ecosystem where useful, so I'm cool with that.

Quiet public
@djsundog you do realize there are a TON of humans in the arduino styled ecosystem already and doing cool shit like TinyGo and Rust on mcu's?

We don't need the shoddy software/hardware that the pi foundation is known for in most circles polluting a good thing (assuming history holds)
DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab
Quiet public

@kemonine yes, I'm aware of the current arduino community. I'm also aware of the derision for the pi foundation. but neither have anything to do with the people who've been pulled into the pi ecosystem by whatever forces have done the pulling and the quality of their ability to contribute good things to the arduino community at large. that's all I'm saying.

Quiet public
@djsundog i still have worries but i understand where you're coming from

seems i've been burned bad and deeply by the pi foundation over time

hopefully some of the history will not hold
DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@linear solid take, that

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@linear I took a glance after reading your reply this morning and yeah, that's some well produced documentation - definitely nicer than the random teensy forum threads lol

Hagfish fancier v4.02.01

@djsundog Wait, did this just get announced?

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@darius @pagrus oooh, finally get to say "you heard it here first"

Hagfish fancier v4.02.01

@djsundog @darius Haha well I doubt it was the first time for me

Hagfish fancier v4.02.01

@darius @djsundog I mean, that's cool? I guess? Seems like kind of a crowded space though

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@pagrus @darius it is indeed. I have a feeling they discussed this internally using words including but not limited to "vertical" and "synergy"

Quiet public
@djsundog lets see what that errata for the silicon looks like in due time...

and lets hope it doesn't nerf the mcu areas of the oshw movement such that it's the only reasonable choice if you want help working on something

@djsundog No wireless is kinda a shame when looking at the ESP32 in comparison. 😞

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@aschmitz definitely a strange omission all things considered