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Sure would be nice if all these abandoned old Android/iOS phones and tablets were useful.

Nivex has moved

@djsundog So. Much. E-waste.

Alexander Bochmann

@djsundog The amount of electronics trash the past decade has been producing is amazing, isn't it?

And it's all about software support. Something like a Thinkpad T500 from 10 years ago is still fine, be it on Windows 10 or Linux. In that time, maybe 5 generations of Android crap have been abandoned.

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

@galaxis intentional obsolescence taken to extremes. Makes me angry.

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab
Quiet public

@deejoe @galaxis tons of those (today's rant brought to you by a marshmallow-laden LG G Tab X that was just gifted to me)


@djsundog yeah, I'm super frustrated there's not much I can do with a 3rd gen iPad :\

Nivex has moved

@djsundog I have CSipSimple pointed at a local Asterisk box on my old Nexus One. It's amusing that I can still use it as a phone but not many of my friends like phone calls.


@nivex hissssssssss: you said _phone call_

Quiet public

@djsundog I keep hearing this and... yes? But also I run all of mine into the *ground*, and they're barely usable when I rotate them out. 😕

(A Nexus 4 with a bad digitizer? A 5 that only boots with the 4core hack? You can probably use them for something, but not their original purpose.)